The Poetist

*arigato-san *Fuchu, Bubai(gawara) *Eigo? Gaijin. Hai! *Last train is first sleep *T-shirts with funny English *I too can create *my own language *a series of adventures *spun into words, here.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Just an idea/Music executives are you listening?

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One of my favorite pastimes is browsing music at Tower Records, or really any music shop with a wide selection and plenty of headphones. I think I might be one of the few people left who enjoy buying cds. I like to buy cds, and I often do if a good one costs $15 or less; but I’m also completely wedded to my iPod and the 20GBs of music it lets me cart around every day. Buying through the iTunes music store is all well and good, but it lacks the immediacy and physicality of listening then buying at a store. So, here is what I think:

You should be able to buy music at a record store and have them immediately upload the music to your mp3 player. That way you can have all the fun of an afternoon at Tower while not giving up the convenience of digital mp3s. This could work even better at the Apple store. They could have a digital library of all the albums that they offer in the online store, and keep a few hard copies of the latest and/or most popular albums on display. They wouldn’t need to stock the cds so they could save so much space on inventory but you could have the fun of walking around and looking at albums.

… you saw it here first ^_^


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