The Poetist

*arigato-san *Fuchu, Bubai(gawara) *Eigo? Gaijin. Hai! *Last train is first sleep *T-shirts with funny English *I too can create *my own language *a series of adventures *spun into words, here.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

You Know It's Bad When...

Vladimir Putin accuses the Bush Administration/America of "undermining global stability."

In other news, I was recently discussing with a (Japanese) friend America and Japan's respective talents in the global economy and my friend said something really interesting. She said that the Japanese can take an idea from 1 to 100 but they can't go from 0 to 1; Americans, however, can create something from nothing.

That really encouraged me because I've grown increasingly frustrated with American policy in almost every sector (foreign, environmental, education), so I feel like hey - if nothing else, we still got ideas! at least that is something.


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