Yeah, you lost me
Last night Laura and I rented Lost in Translation. I was really excited to watch it because every other person who hears I'm going to Japan tells me I should see it. Also, the whole thing was filmed in Japan/most in Tokyo so I was excited to see a little bit of where I'm going.
Well, I'm 0 for 2 in picking movies for Laura and I to watch (Aristocrats was NOT a success), because this movie was incredibly boring! At one point I thought to myself - do I want to fight to stay awake, or just let myself go? After an hour or so, I realized that the pace and direction of the movie probably wasn't going to change, and we turned it off. It was still really cool to see scenes of kareoke and flower arranging, because those are activities I've read about in books about Japanese culture.
In other news, I'm still not packed, and I'm leaving in 2 days... Time to git 'er done! ;)
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